Singer – Author Jade Steel for many years now, has been entertaining audiences worldwide with cutting edge rock music, containing stories of subjects that range from high hopes to post-apocalyptic warfares with heroes and villains. Stories that tell of world strife and his travels around the globe, and as of late a story revolving around a stone with a single green spot, a rare Green stone that makes up a powerful unique time travel device called, “The Rondo”. As a successful performer and story teller, Jade was born in San Francisco after the summer of love to hippy revolutionary parents. Fresh out of high school he first came into the public eye as a lead singer for a young punk band called Corrupted Youth. After that he become the lead singer for the Northern California Metal Band called “Cold Steel”. During the creation of his first solo album, “Jade Steel”, the world renowned festival “Reggae on the River” was started in Jade’s hometown, and allowed him to become partake and to become exposed and explore other genres of music such as rock and reggae.
- How long have you been doing what you’re doing and how did you get started in the first place?
Jade Steel: since I was 15, I started singing in a punk Rock band Corrupted Youth. Now it’s been 20+ years
- Who were your first musical influences that you can remember?
Jade Steel: Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Beatles Stones AC/DC.
- Which artists are you currently listening to?
Jade Steel: So many can’t list…I love many.
- Do you remember the first piece of musical equipment that you actually purchased? And which is the one piece of hardware you’re still looking to add to your collection now?
Jade Steel: Microphone, I have always been a writer.
- Tell us something about your current band and instrument setup?
Jade Steel: Guitars, bass drums, sometimes 2 guitars.
- Studio work and music creation, or performing and interacting with a live audience, which do you prefer?
Jade Steel: Both, I love both.
- Which one of your original songs gets your adrenalin running the most, when performing in front of an audience?
Jade Steel: – Good question, it remains to be seen…
- On which one of your songs do you feel you delivered your personal best performance so far, from a technical point of view?
Jade Steel: – So far I think “Hold the Stone” is still in the lead, but everyone seems to have they’re own favorite.
- Which ingredient (or trademark sound) do you think is most essential in making your music sound the way it does?
Jade Steel: Having a good producer that understands the music is essential.
- If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business?
Jade Steel: Heart!
- Which aspect of being an independent artist and the music making process excites you most and which aspect discourages you most?
Jade Steel: – I like it when the music takes shape and the songs begin to grow, I also like to see the way it affects the fans…The actual music business sucks, it’s cutthroat and merciless, it all boils down to Money not talent.
- Tell us something about your songwriting processes. Do you allow songs to come to you naturally or do you lock yourself up in a room and work at it?
Jade Steel: both
- How involved are you in any of the the recording, producing, mastering and marketing processes of your music. Do you outsource any of these processes?
Jade Steel: – I’m very involved in all but mastering. No outsourcing yet.
- The best piece of advice in this business you actually followed so far, and one you didn’t follow, but now know for sure that you should have?
Jade Steel: Luck, perseverance, campaigning, touring.
- At this point, as an independent artist, which is the one factor you desire most, and feel will undeniably benefit the future of your music?
Jade Steel: – A good team, and promotion.
- Do you consider Internet and all the social media websites, as fundamental to indie music in general, or do you think it has only produced a mass of mediocre “copy-and-paste” artists, who flood the web?
Jade Steel: – There is a lot of “saturation” but it also increases the competition of being a good artist.
- What is the title of your latest release and where can fans find it?
Jade Steel:- “Jade Steel & Emerald Triangle “Hold the Stone” internet, tours and Radio.
- What do you think is the biggest barrier you have to face and overcome as an indie alternative rock artist, in your quest to achieve your goals and wider-spread success?
Jade Steel: – Overcoming the huge budget of a successful promotional campaign.
- Let’s imagine for one second that you had the chance to be in any word-famous band (from past to present) of your choice, who would that band be, and why?
Jade Steel:- Mick Jagger, he swallowed the world.
- What is the ONE thing you are NOT ever willing or prepared to do, in your quest to achieve success?
Jade Steel: – Sacrifice my ethics!