In the heart of Austin, Texas, there resides a musical force like no other. His name is Omar Bowing, a virtuoso guitarist and an artist
Tag: Omar Bowing
Omar Bowing – “Paradox” – ominous, precious, theatrical and densely intricate
Atmospheric, ethereal, moody, dark, progressive … these are all words that come to mind listening to the opening bars of “Paradox” – the latest track
Omar Bowing: “Women” envelopes your senses before totally sucking you in
Omar Bowing is an independent musician and songwriter located in Austin, Tx. Omar who plays the guitar and guitarviol works with a revolving group of
Omar Bowing: “Sonus Republic” evokes moments of genuine emotion
“Sonus Republic” finds Omar Bowing in top form and is loaded with excellent playing and songwriting. The music on this track is killer Bowing through-and-through
Omar Bowing: “Creature” has a wonderful epic chorus and layered voices
Omar Bowing is an independent artist and songwriter located in Austin, Tx. His peculiarity is that he plays an innovative instrument called the GuitarViol which
Omar Bowing: “Amen” a mysterious and atmospheric song
Omar Bowing is a Guitarist, Guitarviolist and Songwriter currently located in Austin, Tx. His freshly released single is called “Amen” and features Tyson Yen (vocals),
Omar Bowing: “Warrior” – an exciting, original and evolving musical language
Omar Bowing is an independent artist and songwriter located in Austin, Tx. His latest single and music video, “Warrior” features Tyson Yen (vocals), Will Jones