ZEE – “Bye Bye Blackbird” is in memory of his loving brother

ZEE – “Bye Bye Blackbird” is in memory of his loving brother

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Hey Hey, it’s ZEE! I’m originally from the East Coast, and I enjoy performing. I’m bassist and enjoy music production from A to ZEE. I wrote this song in memories of my oldest brother, who recently transitioned to join my other brother and loved ones into the unknown. Scary as it may seem, life is so beautiful to experience. We have our good and bad times, and placed myself in the moment to join him on his journey. Love and Peace to all, and thank you for the ‘whatever experience’ we’ve encountered, because all of it is a learning experience. Lifting you up, always! Zee


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Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6VBVF6NuSNYSDtxtUOrINV?si=HAETKmfpQqKvcwiGHnZiNA

Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/zbold1-productions

Youtube https://youtube.com/channel/UCmQAVTTRQOBXmUUTT7cdfKg

Where To Buy Your Music https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0913B19FM?ref=dm_sh_mcPi3HThQoyIxTCerBL01bXin

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