Musik and Film – Indie Music Promotion Made Easy!

Musik and Film – Indie Music Promotion Made Easy!

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By now, you have a solid sounding single, Ep or album release, a great looking video, a superb bio and public image, as well a professional web presence. Besides, you’re on Amazon, iTunes, CdBaby, Spotify and every other digital download store imaginable. So what’s next?

musik-and-film-profile-logoWell the questions are varied.  Are you on radio? Are you touring or playing live gigs? Are people really hearing you…anywhere…at all? Often the answer is, NO!

Today independent musicians have all the tools at hand to produce excellent music and visuals, and more than often they do just that. However most are still struggling to make headway into the markets that really matter for them. Just being on Twitter, Facebook or Youtube will no doubt create a buzz and offer you a fixed space to present yourself. On the rare occasion this may be enough. But nearly ever indie artist knows that 99% of the time it is never will be!

The music business has changed over the years. Some indie artists are making headway into the Billboard charts, others are winning Grammy’s, and a great many have achieved their dreams – just to make a living out of doing what they love best – making music! So how come you’re not doing any of this!

Well, good music and a strong presence alone just won’t do the job. You still need a plan, a strategy and lots of promotion. Though the rules are different to those of the good old days of vinyl records and major label dominance, money still rules the roost. Why? Because money buys expertise! The rules change? No problem, the major’s change the marketing specialists who know how to get artists promoted, onto radio, on tours and even how to get their music charted! That’s why the major label artists still maintain an edge.

musik-and-film-profile-logoBut now along comes promotion and management companies like Musik and Film who are able to supply that very same expertise offered to the major labels, directly to you the indie artist! Musik and Film  have a host of professionals on their team with over 40+ years of experience in their given fields – from music production to artist management!

These professionals have worked with legendary artist of our time, such as Vince Gill, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Rossington Collins Band, Sister Hazel, Bonnie Raitt, Craig Campbell, Hank Williams Jr., Bad Company, Survivor, Jimi Hendrix, Fats Domino, Ritchie Blackmore, James Taylor, Elton John and many, many more. Now they’re ready to pass those winning experiences on to you, the struggling independent artist.

The question is: are you ready to move to the next level and play with the big guys, or are just willing to sit back and wait…until nothing happens to your music career!

Your musical future is just a click or an email away. Musik and Film has been working on opportunities worldwide for Indie Artists through world radio airplay, charting, and touring opportunities. Email them at and they will consult with you and help you achieve that success!


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