The Cataclysmic Variable: “Amplified Minds” – Intricate wordplay, coupled with gripping content

The Cataclysmic Variable: “Amplified Minds” – Intricate wordplay, coupled with gripping content

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The Cataclysmic Variable is an underground psychedelic hip hop collective founded by artists and producers who have set out to provide their own take on hip hop culture.  With over a decade of producing hip hop beats and recording hip hop lyrics and their “amplify your mind” focus, The Cataclysmic Variable team has the knowledge and experience to become one of the industry’s leading underground hip hop collectives. The Cataclysmic Variable recently released their mammoth 23 track concept album, entitled “Amplified Minds”, which has a sci-fi theme and begins with an invasion…

The Cataclysmic Variable project has some of those rare talents in hip hop. Lyricists include Collie Reeka, Kirbs, Tone Diz, Grim Singmuf, Riggz, Enigma, J. Cua, Ayah Light, Lindz, and Kuma Kai Akua. You just have to pay attention to every word that is said to enjoy this album. The way the rappers weave all their verses together is an incredible joy to listen too.

They are continuously in control, very deliberate and precise with speaking their words, and their timing. Obviously all these songs also come with some great writing. These are rappers who put as much thought into their words, as they do into their deliveries, and always deliver verses that are intelligent, unpredictable, and fully engaging.

This is an all-round incredible album. If like me, you are unfamiliar with The Cataclysmic Variable, they are probably pound for pound among the best lyricists in hip hop today. We know that skills don’t always translate into chart positions and sales, but as artists, vocalists and lyricists, they are in a rare class.

Intricate wordplay, coupled with gripping content set against a unique futurist theme makes for a gripping listen, which is added to having both male and female voices. Even though the world that frames the premise of the album is fictional, there are very many down to earth, poignant and personal moments interspersed throughout the record. “Amplified Minds” is simply solid from a musical standpoint and is an enjoyable listen from beginning to end.

One which you won’t finish in one sitting obviously, as twenty three tracks is a lot of mind boggling material to take in at once. Unless of course, you’re all about artificial listening – hooks, beats and the like. Something we don’t advise here, if you want to draw total satisfaction from your listening experience.

The Cataclysmic Variable go in deep here. They will touch and move you with their original story-lines, sound and thought, like few others have done. They display great insight, foresight and future sight.

There are also a bunch of talented producers present here, people like G. Singmuf, Riggs, T. Diz, and K. Loaf. Overall they deliver some very remarkable production when looking at the beats. And the way each beat serves it purpose, is just right for the song, as well as the overall theme.

This is classic experimental hip-hop; very refreshing crisp, succulent beats with nary a hint of bling, 18″ wheels or bitches nonsense. Now isn’t that a surprise for genre! Eschewing many of those pretty mainstream hooks also means there’s nothing to take the focus away from the lyrical interplay of each rapper’s flow and as well as the production intricacies.

There is plenty of lyrical interplay, while you can also sense a sort of perfect creative mind-meld between The Cataclysmic Variable members.

Mentioning single tracks or choosing only a handful of standouts, is a superfluous affair here, and would only subtract luster instead of adding to a very fine album and collective effort.  The Cataclysmic Variable focuses on quality, talent and service.

If you want to collaborate with The Cataclysmic Variable please feel free to email them at they have made it their mission to help others achieve their dreams of becoming a hip hop artist by providing free, high quality original hip hop instrumentals. The collective say they love the hip hop culture and all who embrace it!

Like their music? Want to collab? Need beats? Check them out below:

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