Bureau 3 Records, an international record label, are excited to announce a new format for finding singing talent around the world. Although there are well known TV based singing talent shows around the world including ‘The Voice’ and ‘X Factor’, many potential singers lose out on the opportunity to start or advance their career. If they don’t enter the above shows, many send demo tapes to record labels. Realistically not many demo tapes are listened to.
Bureau 3 Records respect the above mentioned shows and believe that there is a need for those formats. So what is this new format? It is obvious that most of the world access music through various online digital music outlets. Also social media plays a large part in spreading the word. Therefore Bureau 3 Records have researched a method to help new and experienced artists develop their career and be heard around the world.
In 2012, Bureau 3 Records created non performing artist ‘Danz International’. Bureau 3 Records write songs and release some of them under the name ‘Danz International’. They are also a platform for singers to release their songs with.
Anyone with singing talent over the age of 16 can apply through the website at www.bureau3records.com. Many will be invited to sign up to become a ‘novice singer’. The number of members will be limited to 1000 during 2016. Each member will regularly receive specially written songs from the songwriters headed by Peter Kerry. Sometimes the singer has the flexibility to write their own non explicit lyrics. They then record the vocals and send it back. EVERY return is listened to.
Bureau 3 Records select the best vocal tracks sent back and produces them with the music. The selected tracks are uploaded to Soundcloud. Then it’s over to the public! For 2 weeks the public can vote for their favourite track on Soundcloud. At the end of the 2 weeks, the track with the highest vote will be officially released and distributed in over 200 online music stores. The winning singer will be named on the release cover i.e. Danz International feat ‘singers name’. This process is repeated for every song written.
How is this format new?
If a person enters a talent competition on TV they may have a 1 in 50000 chance of winning. They invest a lot of time and stress during the process.
With the new format, singers have multiple ongoing opportunities to get their voice out there. If a singer regularly gets selected as the best vocalist for each track and obviously has talent, then Bureau 3 Records may offer them a professional singing contract to advance their career further.
Bureau 3 Records are confident that singers will be interested in this format and a marketing campaign is underway to spread the news.
Company name: Bureau 3 Records
Email: artists@bureau3records.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bureau3records